Service Executor

The ServiceExecutor is used to manage services or obtain information.

1. Methods

1.1 getService(String)

Service getService(String serviceId);

Description: This method is used to obtain information about a service.

1.2 getServices()

List<Service> getServices();

Description: This method is used to obtain a list of service information.

1.3 getServices(String)

List<Service> getServices(String templateName);

Description: This method is used to obtain a list of service information for a specific template.

1.4 queueNewService(String)

void queueNewService(String templateName);

Description: This method is used to start a new service based on the template.

1.5 stopRunningService(String)

void stopRunningService(String serviceId);

Description: This method is used to stop a service.

1.6 stopServices(String)

void stopServices(String templateName);

Description: This method is used to stop all services of a template.

1.7 setServiceInUse(String)

void setServiceInUse(String serviceId);

Description: This method is used to set a service to the IN_USE state, so that a new one can be automatically started if necessary.

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