
Important information about nodes is explained here.

Nodes, which are Hetzner servers, are dynamically purchased and deleted to save resources. Since these servers are billed hourly by Hetzner, we have implemented a 'blocking system.' This means that servers, when no longer in use, are blocked. They are excluded from the system, and no further Minecraft servers are launched on them. However, if there is insufficient performance, they are released again. At the end of each hour, all no longer needed servers are removed from your account.

Node Lock System

You have the option to lock nodes. This means they will not be deleted as long as the master instance is active. If the master instance is stopped, these servers will also be deleted, as an active connection between the node and master is no longer maintained for security reasons.

However, what exactly is the lock system now?

The purpose behind this system is that many plugins or similar products depend on a Hardware ID or an IP address. Therefore, these servers can be locked to prevent deletion or replacement.

And how do I lock a node?

Quite simple! In the Wale Cloud Dashboard, go to the "Nodes" tab. At the end of each row, there is a "Lock" or "Unlock" button. You can use this to lock or unlock the node.

Last updated