
Here, we explain how to create, edit, or delete templates.

You can perform all template functions through the dashboard. However, file upload or editing is not possible. Template files must be edited via an SFTP connection to your master server.

Before starting your first service, make sure that there is a server.jar file in your template folder (for both Spigot and Proxy). Otherwise, this service cannot be started!

Default template configuration

  "minimumRunningServers": 0,
  "maximumOnlineServers": -1,
  "startNewServiceAtTemplateCapacity": 0,
  "startNewServiceAtGlobalCapacity": 0,
  "priority": 1,
  "minJvmMemory": 256,
  "maxJvmMemory": 1024,
  "isProxy": true,
  "isFallback": false,
  "killUnusedTooManyServersAfter": 120000,
  "defaultServiceFiles": [],
  "joinPermission": "",
  "maxPlayers": 1,
  "name": "template_name"

Now we will explain step by step what each setting is responsible for and how you can edit them correctly.

  • Minimum Running Servers: Determines how many services must be available simultaneously at a minimum (state: RUNNING).

# Useful Server States
  • Maximum Online Servers: Determines how many servers are allowed to be online simultaneously at a maximum.

  • Start New Service At Template Capacity: Determines at what percentage of utilization (player limit) of the template a new server should be provisioned.

  • Start New Service At Global Capacity: Determines at what percentage of utilization (player limit) of the global network a new server should be provisioned.

  • Priority: Determines the order in which services should be started. The smaller the value, the earlier the server will be started.

  • Minimum JVM Memory: Sets the minimum Memory in Megabytes for the Java instance (server).

  • Maximum JVM Memory: Sets the maximum Memory in Megabytes for the Java instance (server).

Note: The cloud allocates an additional 375MB of RAM for the entire server process, as a Java process inherently requires memory for operation.

  • Is Proxy: Determines whether it is a proxy server or not.

  • Is Fallback: Determines whether this server should be set as a fallback in the proxy or not.

  • Kill Unsed Too Many Servers After: Determines when a server should be stopped. This value must be specified in milliseconds. The default is 120000, which is 2 minutes.

The cloud stops servers that are not in use after a specified time. Setting this value to -1 excludes this process. This feature is designed to save resources and money. We recommend keeping the default value, as it has shown good results in numerous tests.

  • Default Service Files: There, files can be specified to be loaded during server startup. This simplifies updating files or directories when managing multiple templates, as you only need to update them in one central location.

An example of how such an entry could look like:

"defaultServiceFiles": [
    // Example for a single file
      "path": "/path/to/your/plugin.jar",
      "destination": "plugins/plugin.jar"
    // Example for an entire directory
      "path": "/path/to/your/plugin_folder",
      "destination": "plugins/plugin_folder",
      "directory": true

Please ensure the correct input of values to avoid potential errors.

  • Join Permission: Determines which permission is required to enter this server. This can be useful for, for example, lobby servers that only certain players are allowed to enter.

  • Maximum Players: Determines how many players are allowed to enter this server. This value is set in the server.properties and can be easily modified by custom plugins if necessary.

  • Name: Sets the display name of the template. The cloud does not internally work with template names, so this value can be changed seamlessly while running.

All these values can be changed on-the-fly and will be applied either immediately or upon the next restart.

Last updated